Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016


Name  : Ika Mayang Sari
Class    : 4EA13
NPM    : 13212574

Conditional Sentece or If Clause

1.      If I had not quarreled with john, I could have gone to the party with him.
It can be concluded that          to the party.
A.   Perhaps I’II go with john
B.   John promised to go with me
C.   I didn’t go with john
D.   John would like to go with me
Answer: C
Pernyataan tersebut menggunakan bentuk pengandaian yang ke-3 maka kenyataanya turun menjadi ke-2 negatif.
2.      “If the company’s personnel department had mailed the letter earlier, I would not have been too late for the interview. “ We may conclude that        
A.      I went thourgh the interview.
B.      The letter came too early.
C.      The company did not send the letter.
D.     I missed the interview.
Answer: D
Kesimpulan dari pernyataan tersebut bahwa ia tidak mengikuti tes wawancara karena surat panggilan yang dikirimkan terlambat.
3.      They climbed higher so that they got a better view. We can also say:
A.      If they had not climbed higher, they would not have got a better view.
B.      If they didn’t climed higher, they would not have got a better view.
C.      If they didn’t climb higher, they didn’t get a better view.
D.     If they won’t climb higher, they dont get a better view.
Answer: A
Pernyataan bentuk ke-2 jika dijadikan pengandaian berubah menjadi bentuk yang ke-3.
4.      “If there were traffic lights at this intersection, there wouldn’t be so many accidents.”
We may conclude that:          
A.      The only accidents occur at this intersection.
B.      This is a dangerous intersection.
C.      The traffic lights often don’t work.
D.     Despite the traffic lights accidents happen.
Answer: B
Dari pernyataan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pesimpangan tersebut sangat berbahaya karena lampu lalu lintasnya rusak sehingga terjadi kecelakaan.
5.      Had they invited fewer people, the party could have been held at their house.
We may conclude that           
A.      It was only a small party
B.      Their house was crowded with people.
C.      The party was held at the Bhayangkara Hall.
D.     Not many of the invited people came.
Answer: C
Kesimpulan dari pernyataan tersebut adalah bahwa peserta tersebut siadakan di tempat lain karena dia mengundang banyak orang.
6.      Had the company not raised Bambang’s salary, he would have looked for another job.
We may conclude from the underlined words that Bambang          
A.      Doesn’t like his job
B.      Didn’t leave his present job
C.      Found a better-paying job
D.     Couldn’t find a good job
Answer: B
Bambang kenyataannya tidak meninggalkan pekerjaannya karena perusahaan telah menaikan gajinya.
7.      If hadn’t promoted, he’d have quitted his job. The underlined word means             he kept his job.
A.      He would like to keep the job
B.      He had to quit his job
C.      He lost his job
D.     He didn’t like to keep his job
Answer: A
Makna dari quit adalah berhenti, maka kenyataan dari kalimat tersebut adalah dia tetap bekerja.
8.      If the                 more confident during the interview, he might have got the job wanted.
A.      Were
B.      Would be
C.      Could have been
D.     Had been
Answer: D
Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pengandaian tipe ke-3 dengan pola If+S had+V3+O,S+might+Have V3+O.
9.      “The airline should have accepted the application of Agus, an experienced pilot.”
The means that          
A.      The airline hired agus
B.      Agus refused to work for the airline
C.      The airline did not receive Agus application
D.     Agus was rejected by the airline
Answer: D
Pernyataan diatas menyatakan bahwa maskapai penerbangan tersebut seharusnya menerima lamaran Agus maka hal ini berarti bahwa Agus ditolak oleh maskapai penerbangan tersebut.
10.  “Why didn’t you buy those shoes? You seemed to like them.” “ I would have if they had been cheaper.”
The answer means                 
A.      I did buy the shoes.
B.      I was not against the price.
C.      The shoes were to expensive.
D.     The shoes were a bargain.
Answer: C
Pernyataan tersebut menyatakan bahwa ia akan membeli sepatu jika harganya murah hal ini menandakan bahwa sepatu tersebut terlalu mahal.
11.  “If the plane had taken off on time, we wouldn’t have been late for the opening of the seminar.”
This means that “ we were late because the flight                “
A.      Was delayed.
B.      Has to be delayed.
C.      Was going to be delayed.
D.     Had not been delayed.
Answer: A
Karena pesawat tersebut tertunda maka tidak bisa berangkat tepat waktu.
12.  “Had I known you were expecting a call, I wouldn’t have used the phone so long.” The Underlined words mean               .
A.      I was about to use the phone.
B.      I kept talking on the phone.
C.      I stopped talking on the phone.
D.     I was waiting to use the phone.
Answer: B
Pernyataan yang digaris bawahi menyatakan bahwa ia berandai-andai untuk itdak menggunakan telepon terlaluu lama hal ini berarti kenyataanya ia menggunakan telepon dengan terus-terusan berbicara (kept talking).
13.  “Had the company been fair in giving bonuses, the employees would not have gone on strike.” From the above sentence we may conclude that          .
A.      The employees are still going on strike
B.      The company gave the employees fair bonuses
C.      The company has lost many employees
D.     The employees were very dissatisfed
Answer: D
Pernyataan diatas menunjukan telah terjadi pemogokan kerja yang siakibatkan oleh ketidakpuasan para pegawai terhadap perusahaannya.
14.  If angga had chosen to play football instead of going to puncak with his friends on their motorbikes, he would not have got that terrible accident. From the above sentence we may conclude that now Angga is             .
A.      Enjoying holiday
B.      Hospitalized
C.      Very tired
D.     In puncak
Answer: B
Pernyataan diatas menunjukan bahwa Angga masuk rumah sakir karena mengalami kecelakaan.
15.  “You didn’t forget your appointment, did you? I might have forgottem it,              
A.      If Tom hadn’t reminded me
B.      Had Tom reminded me
C.      When Tom didn’t remind me
D.     Even if Tom reminded me
Answer: A
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan conditional sentence type III dengan pola: If+S+had+V3+OS+would+have+V3+O.
16.  If the students              late to submit scholarship application to the board, they will not be listed as candidates.
A.      Be
B.      Are
C.      Were
D.     Have
Answer: B
Will not be listed. Kalimat ini merupakan kaliman conditional atau pengadaian tipe 1 karena ada kata If dan Will +V1. Jadi jawaban  yang tepat adalah are karena tense-nya present.
17.  If your brother             here, he           us with this works.
A.      Is – would help
B.      Was – will help
C.      Were – will help
D.     Were – would help
Answer: D
If. Pasangan yang tepat untuk melenhkapi kalimat tersebut adalah pilihan D karena sesuai dengan pola pengadaian tipe 2.
18.  Aldo     : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?
Fery     : I would if I had been invited.
The underlined utterance the means             .
A.      Fery didn’t attend the meeting.
B.      Fery plans to attend the meeting.
C.      Fery knew about the meeting and he attended the meeting.
D.     Fery was not invited to the meeting but he came.
Answer: A
I would if i had been invited. Kalimat pada jawaban berarti “ saya mungkin akan datang jika diundang.” Jadi Fery tidak datang pada pertemuan itu (Fery didn’t attend the meeting).
19.  You                   the job if you were not late to the interview.
A.      Would get
B.      Would be gotten
C.      Would have gotten
D.     Would have been gotten
Answer: A
Were not late. Kalimat ini adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 2. Polanya adalah Is S+V2.S+would+V1.
20.  We would get the tickets,                  
A.      Weren’t there so much rush at the cinema
B.      Because there were so much rush at the cinema
C.      There were not so much rush at the cinema
D.     Although there were so much rush at the cinema
Answer: D
Would get. Kalimat ini adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 2. Polanya adalah If S+V2.S+would+V1.
21.  Firtunately you assisted tu push the car. If you hadn’t helped him, he          with you.
A.      Will get angry
B.      Would have gotten angry
C.      Should angry
D.     Would get angry
Answer: B
Hadn’t helped. Kalimat ini adalah kalimat pengadaian tipe 3. Polanya adalah If S+had+V3.S+would+have+V3.
22.  If Rani were not busy at the moment, she would go out with me, said Maria. From Maria’s utterance we know that Rani              with her.
A.      Goes
B.      Went
C.      Didn’t go
D.     Doesn’t go
Answer: D
Would go. Pernyataan tipe 2 jika dijadikan kenyataan berubah menjadi kalimat dengan menggunakan bentuk present tense, dan jika kalimatnya positif berubah menjadi negatif dan sebaliknya.
23.  He spends his time                   after grils.
A.      Running
B.      To run
C.      Ran
D.     Runs
Answer: A
Spend time doing sth. Here asked about the pattern ‘spend time doing sth’.
24.  We don’t know             we have to change planes or not.
A.      If
B.      Until
C.      That
D.     When
Answer: A
Indirect question. Here the cinjunction “IF” indriduces an indirect question.
25.  She’s too tired to go               
A.      Shopping
B.      To shop
C.      Shop
D.     For shopping
Answer: A
Got gerund. We can use gerund to talk about things we go out to do.


Hudha, S.Si,MM., Nurul, Estiwi R.P, S.S, Alvina K. A, S.S, Indra ,S.S. (2014) UPGRADE TOEFL SCORE, Jakarta: Cmedia Imprint Kawan Pustaka.

Orybund K.A, Zin-Giber A.H, Fujriyah M.N, Arief J. (2014) Be A Master TOEFL BANK SOAL & STRATEGI, Solo: Genta Smart Publisher.

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